Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Get your list on!

As much as it annoys me to admit this. Mom was/is right. Making lists do help to keep you organized and on track. I was reading Pancake and French Fries blog today and she mentioned this amazing new online list program- TuexDuex. Its free for this version, in the near future they might create a slicker version that costs but this one is pretty awesome. I do have to say that I do quite enjoy buying pretty paper and making lists on that but this also appeals to me in the modern approach where I want to be able to have nothing but a computer on my desk feel.

Online list that can be accessed anywhere
Sleek, Minimal Design


You have to have internet access to access it
Wish it would automatically organize by time
Wish I could have it run on my desktop and access it from there or my iphone ( in the future!)

Here's a snapshot of my screen with my new list! There's not too much on it yet. Click on the image to make it larger.



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