Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 3

and all I can think of is shopping... Oh God this is going to be a long 2 months. So instead of concentrating on what I CAN'T buy lets look at what I DID buy before I lost my mind....

I picked up this super cute cotton shirt from Anthro on clearance for $19.95 ( what omg!). Even though I curl my lip at the thought of having 80 degree days in November I do really like the fact that I can buy summery shirts on clearance at Anthro for 19.95 and where them year round. If I did my math correct that is like getting it for free!

Anyways, I digress. So here is my new outfit that is getting me through not being able to shop!



+ ( a louis vuitton purse that the handles/leather has turned the carmely color)

I've personally choosen to wear silver with the outfit because I have more long silver necklaces and I also bought a new ring that I really wanted to wear.

but with the brown/carmel color I could definitely see someone rocking some gold pieces.

So if you see me for the next two months wearing this outfit because I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING else to wear since i'm not "allowed" to shop please don't judge me!



p.s. i did decide to center align my text today. i know what is the world coming to?

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